[ACADEMIC EVENT] Tenth annual meeting of the Inserm Ethics Committee

On The November 22, 2023

The Inserm Ethics Committee (CEI – Comité d’éthique de l’Inserm) is organizing its 10th annual meeting on November 22, 2023 in partnership with the Espace éthique Région Île-de-France.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Inserm Ethics Committee in its current form, renewed in 2013, and the 10th anniversary of its annual meeting. This anniversary edition, entitled “10/10: 10 years of technological revolutions and accelerations / 10 years of new ethical thinking”, will look back at the CEI’s reflections over the past 10 years, the new ethical issues that have mobilized the Committee during the past decade, as well as the major cross-cutting issues facing society today.

Download the detailed program (FR)

More information on the “Journées CEI” website (FR)

Registration is free (but mandatory) and is a two-step process: register or login to SciencesConf.org, then register for the annual event. You can attend the event in person or take part online (seats are limited). The online access link will be sent to you at a later date.

Click here to register (FR)