Marco Gandolfi tiendra un cours de 4 heures, "A hands-on introduction to heat transfer in solids"

Le 25 octobre 2024

Vendredi 25 octobre, de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 16h

Salle 15-003 Kastler, 5ème étage

The aim of the lecture is to offer a brief, hands-on introduction to heat transfer in solids. Specifically, the lecture will first address Fourier's equation. Both stationary and time-dependent regimes will be addressed, with analytical solutions derived for simple 1D cases. The lecture will then tackle more specific sitaution of current research interest. For instance, the thermal dynamics triggered by light absorption will be addressed and some numerical models for solving the heat dynamics will be reviewed always in the fraim of Fouirer law. The concept of thermal boundary resistance (TBR) will be introduced, along with examples where TBR plays a significant role, notably in nanoscalle heat transfer. Time permitting, the limitations of Fourier's law will also be explored. Particularly in nanoscale systems and on the ultrafast time scales the pitfalls of Fourier law may become evident, opening to the hydrodynamic and ballistic regimes. In the former scenario, temeprature wave oscillations may set in