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Conditions for admission to a doctorate

The prerequisites for any thesis registration are:

  1. to hold a national master's degree or equivalent
  2. to have a thesis subject and a thesis director qualified to supervise research attached to the PHAST doctoral school
  3. to have a three-year financing contract whose amount is at least equal to the amount of the establishment contract (€1466 net/ month in 2022)
These three conditions the minimum conditions, and in order to preserve the quality of its recruitment, the doctoral school's management team reserves the right to refuse applications.
Thus, before starting the procedures, when the doctoral student and the thesis director accept the principle of starting a thesis together, it is necessary to:
  • send to the director of the doctoral school ( and to the director of the laboratory concerned a detailed CV, specifying among other things grades obtained at Master level, the subject corresponding to the thesis project as well as the type of funding envisaged.
  • The ED management may, if necessary, invite the candidate for an interview.
  • Once the agreement in principle has been obtained by the ED and host laboratory management, the contract hiring process can begin. Once the employment contract is signed, the doctoral registration procedure via the SIGED application can be initiated. A login and technical explanations will be provided to the candidate.