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Congratulations to Anna Chrysostomou PhD student at IP2I, who has been awarded the “l’Oreal-Unesco” prize
From November 2, 2023 to January 31, 2024
Félicitations à Anna Chrysostomou doctorante à l’IP2I, qui a reçu le prix « l’Oreal-Unesco » programme national de jeunes talents pour les femmes et la science en Afrique du sud.
Congratulations to Anna Chrysostomou PhD student at IP2I, who has been awarded the “l’Oreal-Unesco” for women in science in South Africa prize, which is a national young talent program for women and science.
The programme itself is part of the L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” initiative, to promote gender equality in science and to encourage more women to pursue scientific careers.
The Young Talents programme supports young women researchers in various countries and regions around the world. It is given to women scientists at the doctoral or post-doctoral level who have demonstrated excellence and potential in their fields of research. The award consists of a grant to support their research projects and career development, and is open to candidates from various fields of science: formal sciences, life sciences, environmental sciences, physical sciences, engineering, and technological sciences.