If you are applying for a doctoral school contract, you will have to enter a recruitment procedure whose terms and conditions are as follows:
- Candidates and prospective thesis supervisor complete the forms summarizing their academic background (form A: pdf, PHAST logo, UCBL logo ) and their thesis project (form B: pdf), and send them to the doctoral school in the form of two pdf files respective the following file name structure First name_Surname_A.pdf & First name_surname_B.pdf. see box on the right of the screen.
- At the closing of the applications, the director and the deputy director of the doctoral school examine all the admissible applications and proceed, with the help of anonymous external experts, with a pre-selection, based on the academic excellence of the candidates only, in order to convene if necessary, only a reasonable number of candidates for a interview.
- An invitation will be sent to the selected candidates at least two weeks before the interview.
- A panel made up of members of the laboratories attached to the doctoral school and not presenting a conflict of interest will interview the invited candidates. The thesis project, validated beforehand by the research laboratories, will not be judged: only the academic merits, the motivations and the adequacy between the candidate and the subject will be examined. Applicants residing abroad may request a waiver from the director of the doctoral school for interview by videoconference. Interviews can be conducted in French or English for non-French speaking candidates. The precise modalities of the hearing will be stated on the invitation to interview.
- The doctoral school council meets in the days following interviews to proceed with the deliberations on the basis of the academic records and the opinion issued by the interview panel.
At the end of the deliberations, the council proposes a list of the admitted candidates, without classification, in alphabetical order as well as a complementary list which makes it possible fill places due the possible withdrawals of candidates. The results are then transmitted to the institutions, the only decision makers, for validation.
Formus tu return
The application consists of two files (A & B). They are to be completed jointly by the HDR research proposing the subject of the theisis and the student candidate.
Once completed, they must be sent by the HDR researcher no later than ????? to thierry.alboussiere@univ-lyon1.fr, laurent.chevillard@ens-lyon.fr et s.flores@ipnl.in2p3.fr.
All the various other documents (letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc.) must be included in the same file (the other documents not attached to this file will not be considered).
The whole thing has to be converted into 2 files in PDF format sending by e-mail: the name of the files must be First name_Name_A.pdf et First name_Name_B.pdf.
A copy of this file muste imperatively be sent to the director of the host laboratory to whom a validation of the list of candidates for his laboratory will be requested.
An initial selection on file will be made by the management of the doctoral school. The selected candidates will be convened for a hearing on ????
The audition will consist of a presention of 8 minutes (description of the research internship and master thesis project) followed by 6 minutes of questions.
The audition will consist of a presention of 8 minutes (description of the research internship and master thesis project) followed by 6 minutes of questions.
The final lis of candidates selected for the award of a doctoral contract will then be established by the council of the doctoral school to be held on ????